Module botroyale.api.bots
Bot definitions and functions.
BaseBot and Registration
Every bot in Bot Royale must subclass from BaseBot
. Once defined, you must
register them using register_bot()
to make them available for play. Registration
is local to runtime (as long as the script is running), so we must then run the
GUI app and select the bot.
import botroyale as br
class MyBot(br.BaseBot):
NAME = "mybot"
def poll_action(self, state: br.State) -> br.actions.Action:
return br.actions.Idle()
br.run_gui() # "mybot" will be available for selection
Instead of running the GUI app, we can also select them for custom battles (see below).
Programmatic Bot Selection
A Battle
object will collect bot classes from a given
object, initialize them and call their BaseBot.setup()
with the battle's first State
object (before any turn
is to be played).
To manually create a battle that will include a particular bot, something like this should suffice:
import botroyale as br
from botroyale.api.bots import BotSelection
class MyBot(br.BaseBot):
NAME = "mybot"
battle = br.Battle(bots=br.BotSelection(["mybot"]))
print(f"Winner: {battle.winner}") # May be None in case of draw
Available Bots
To see all bots that are registered see the BOTS
dictionary, which maps each
bot name to their class definition.
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"""Bot definitions and functions.
## BaseBot and Registration
Every bot in Bot Royale must subclass from `BaseBot`. Once defined, you must
register them using `register_bot` to make them available for play. Registration
is local to runtime (as long as the script is running), so we must then run the
GUI app and select the bot.
import botroyale as br
class MyBot(br.BaseBot):
NAME = "mybot"
def poll_action(self, state: br.State) -> br.actions.Action:
return br.actions.Idle()
br.run_gui() # "mybot" will be available for selection
Instead of running the GUI app, we can also select them for custom battles (see
## Programmatic Bot Selection
A `botroyale.logic.battle.Battle` object will collect bot classes from a given
`BotSelection` object, initialize them and call their `BaseBot.setup` method
with the battle's first `botroyale.logic.state.State` object (before any turn
is to be played).
To manually create a battle that will include a particular bot, something like
this should suffice:
import botroyale as br
from botroyale.api.bots import BotSelection
class MyBot(br.BaseBot):
NAME = "mybot"
battle = br.Battle(bots=br.BotSelection(["mybot"]))
print(f"Winner: {battle.winner}") # May be None in case of draw
## Available Bots
To see all bots that are registered see the `BOTS` dictionary, which maps each
bot name to their class definition.
from typing import Optional, Any, Sequence, TypeVar
import random
from pkgutil import iter_modules
from importlib import import_module
from botroyale.util import PACKAGE_DIR
from botroyale.util.hexagon import Hexagon, ORIGIN
from botroyale.api.logging import logger as glogger
from botroyale.api.actions import Action, Idle
from botroyale.logic.state import State
VFXArgs = dict[str, Any]
VFXArgsList = list[VFXArgs]
"""Map center. Alias for `botroyale.util.hexagon.ORIGIN`."""
def center_distance(hex: Hexagon) -> int:
"""Returns distance of *hex* from the `CENTER`."""
return ORIGIN.get_distance(hex)
class BaseBot:
"""See module documenation for details."""
NAME: str = "BaseBot"
"""The bot class name. Must be unique."""
SPRITE: str = "bot"
"""The bot class sprite. Must be a name of a file in `assets/sprites`
(without the .png extension)."""
TESTING_ONLY: bool = False
"""Marks the bot class as a test bot. Indicates that it should not be used
by default."""
COLOR_INDEX: int = 0
"""The color (as an index) of the bot class. See `botroyale.logic.UNIT_COLORS`."""
logging_enabled: bool = True
"""Enables `BaseBot.logger`."""
def __init__(self, id: int):
"""Initialize the class.""" int = id
"""The id of the bot in the battle.
Is commonly used as an index in lists. Also known as `uid`.""" str = self.NAME
def setup(self, state: State):
"""Used by the bot to perform startup procedures.
Called in round 0, before any turns have started. When subclassing,
override this method to prepare the bot.
state: The initial state of the battle.
def poll_action(self, state: State) -> Action:
"""Called by a Battle on our turn.
This method is where a bot "does their turn".
state: Current state of the battle.
Action object.
return Idle()
def gui_click(self, hex: Hexagon, button: str, mods: str) -> Optional[VFXArgsList]:
"""May be called when we are clicked on in the GUI.
See: `botroyale.logic.battle_manager.BattleManager.handle_hex_click`.
hex: The hex on which the unit was clicked.
button: The name of the mouse button that was clicked with. May be
one of: *left*, *right*, *middle*, *mouse1*, *mouse2*, etc.
mods: A string representing the keyboard modifiers that were pressed
during the mouse clicked.
None, or a list of dictionaries of vfx keyword arguments.
See `botroyale.api.gui.VFX`.
vfx = {"left": "green", "right": "red"}.get(button, "blue")
return [{"name": f"mark-{vfx}", "hex": hex}]
def logger(self, text: str):
"""Logger for the bot.
Is enabled/disabled by `BaseBot.logging_enabled`.
if self.logging_enabled:
def __repr__(self):
return f"<Bot #{} {}>"
def gui_label(self):
"""Formatted name with uid."""
id_label = f"#{}"
return f"{id_label:>3} {}"
BotLike = TypeVar("BotLike", bound=BaseBot)
"""A type variable for subclasses of `BaseBot`."""
class NotFairError(Exception):
"""Raised when a request for bots cannot be fulfilled fairly."""
class BotSelection:
"""An object for providing bots to `botroyale.logic.battle.Battle`."""
def __init__(
selection: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
ignore: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
keep_fair: bool = False,
no_dummies: bool = False,
all_play: bool = False,
max_repeat: Optional[int] = None,
"""Initialize the class.
The configuration given by the initialization arguments are used later
by `BotSelection.get_bots`.
selection: List of bot names to select from. None will select from
all bots (that are not marked at "testing").
ignore: List of bot names to ignore (remove from selection).
keep_fair: Ensure that an equal number of each bot is selected.
Fills remaining slots with dummy bots.
no_dummies: If *keep_fair* is True, will raise `NotFairError` if
dummy bots are required to keep fair.
all_play: If true, will raise `NotFairError` if not all bots in
selection can be slotted.
max_repeat: Ensure that at most *max_repeat* number of each bot is
self.selection = selection
self.ignore = ignore
self.keep_fair = keep_fair
self.no_dummies = no_dummies
self.all_play = all_play
self.max_repeat = max_repeat
def get_bots(self, total_slots: int) -> list[BotLike]:
"""Return *total_slots* number of bots based on our configuration.
total_slots: Number of bot classes to return.
List of bot classes.
`NotFairError` if cannot satisfy providing *total_slots* bot classes
given our configuration.
available_bots = set(BOTS.keys())
# Filter bots
if self.selection is not None:
available_bots &= set(self.selection)
testing_only = {b for b in available_bots if BOTS[b].TESTING_ONLY}
available_bots -= testing_only
if self.ignore is not None:
available_bots -= set(self.ignore)
# Fill slots
selected_bots = self._fill_slots(
# Convert to classes
bot_classes = []
for bot_name in selected_bots:
assert len(bot_classes) == total_slots
return bot_classes
def _fill_slots(
total_slots: int,
available_bots: set[str],
all_play: bool,
keep_fair: bool,
no_dummies: bool,
max_repeat: Optional[int] = None,
) -> list[str]:
"""Fill slots based on a set of bot names."""
# Count slots
total_bots = len(available_bots)
if total_bots == 0:
raise NotFairError(f"Found 0 bots to fill {total_slots} slots.")
slots_per_bot = int(total_slots / total_bots)
if max_repeat is not None:
slots_per_bot = min(max_repeat, slots_per_bot)
# If we have more bots than slots - choose a random sample, size of total_slots
if slots_per_bot < 1:
if all_play:
raise NotFairError(
f"Requested for all {total_bots} bots to play, but only "
f"{total_slots} slots available."
selected_bots = list(available_bots)
return selected_bots[:total_slots]
# We have enough slots for all bots
selected_bots = list(available_bots) * slots_per_bot
remaining_slots = total_slots - len(selected_bots)
if remaining_slots:
if no_dummies and (keep_fair or max_repeat):
reason = "to keep fair" if keep_fair else f"max {max_repeat} per bot"
raise NotFairError(
f"Requested {reason} and no dummies, but we have "
f"{total_slots} total slots for {len(selected_bots)} bots "
f"({remaining_slots} slots remainder)."
elif keep_fair or max_repeat:
# Fill with dummies
fill = ["dummy"] * remaining_slots
# Fill with as many different bots as we can fit
fill = list(available_bots)
fill = fill[:remaining_slots]
return selected_bots
def __repr__(self):
options = []
if self.ignore:
options.append(f"{len(self.ignore)} ignored")
if self.keep_fair:
if self.no_dummies:
options.append("no dummies")
if self.all_play:
options.append("all play")
if self.max_repeat:
options.append(f"max repeat {self.max_repeat}")
options = ": " + ", ".join(options) if options else ""
return f"<BotSelection {len(self.selection)} selected{options}>"
BOTS_PACKAGE = "botroyale.bots"
def _bot_importer(get_legend: bool = False) -> dict[str, type]:
"""Import and return bot names and classes from modules in the bots package."""
bots = {}
for (finder, module_name, ispkg) in iter_modules([str(BOTS_DIR)]):
module = import_module(f"{BOTS_PACKAGE}.{module_name}")
if hasattr(module, "BOT"):
module_bots = [getattr(module, "BOT")]
elif hasattr(module, "BOTS"):
module_bots = getattr(module, "BOTS")
for bot in module_bots:
assert issubclass(bot, BaseBot)
if bot.NAME in bots:
raise KeyError(
f'Bot name: "{bot.NAME}" (from module: {module_name}) '
"already in use."
bots[bot.NAME] = bot
return bots
BOTS: dict[str, type] = _bot_importer()
"""A dictionary of registered bot names mapped to bot classes."""
# There should always be at least one bot, let it be a dummy
assert "dummy" in BOTS
def register_bot(bot_class: BotLike):
"""Register a bot for botroyale.
This registration is only valid for runtime. You must register every time
the script is run.
bot_class: The class of the bot to register.
if not issubclass(bot_class, BaseBot):
raise TypeError("Bots must subclass from botroyale.api.bots.BaseBot.")
bot_name = bot_class.NAME
if bot_name in BOTS:
raise KeyError(f'The name "{bot_name}" is already taken.')
BOTS[bot_name] = bot_class
print(f"Registered bot: {bot_name} ({bot_class})")
Global variables
def center_distance(hex: Hexagon) ‑> int
Returns distance of hex from the
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def center_distance(hex: Hexagon) -> int: """Returns distance of *hex* from the `CENTER`.""" return ORIGIN.get_distance(hex)
def register_bot(bot_class: ~BotLike)
Register a bot for botroyale.
This registration is only valid for runtime. You must register every time the script is run.
- The class of the bot to register.
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def register_bot(bot_class: BotLike): """Register a bot for botroyale. This registration is only valid for runtime. You must register every time the script is run. Args: bot_class: The class of the bot to register. """ if not issubclass(bot_class, BaseBot): raise TypeError("Bots must subclass from botroyale.api.bots.BaseBot.") bot_name = bot_class.NAME if bot_name in BOTS: raise KeyError(f'The name "{bot_name}" is already taken.') BOTS[bot_name] = bot_class print(f"Registered bot: {bot_name} ({bot_class})")
class BaseBot (id: int)
See module documenation for details.
Initialize the class.
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class BaseBot: """See module documenation for details.""" NAME: str = "BaseBot" """The bot class name. Must be unique.""" SPRITE: str = "bot" """The bot class sprite. Must be a name of a file in `assets/sprites` (without the .png extension).""" TESTING_ONLY: bool = False """Marks the bot class as a test bot. Indicates that it should not be used by default.""" COLOR_INDEX: int = 0 """The color (as an index) of the bot class. See `botroyale.logic.UNIT_COLORS`.""" logging_enabled: bool = True """Enables `BaseBot.logger`.""" def __init__(self, id: int): """Initialize the class.""" int = id """The id of the bot in the battle. Is commonly used as an index in lists. Also known as `uid`.""" str = self.NAME def setup(self, state: State): """Used by the bot to perform startup procedures. Called in round 0, before any turns have started. When subclassing, override this method to prepare the bot. Args: state: The initial state of the battle. """ pass def poll_action(self, state: State) -> Action: """Called by a Battle on our turn. This method is where a bot "does their turn". Args: state: Current state of the battle. Returns: Action object. """ return Idle() def gui_click(self, hex: Hexagon, button: str, mods: str) -> Optional[VFXArgsList]: """May be called when we are clicked on in the GUI. See: `botroyale.logic.battle_manager.BattleManager.handle_hex_click`. Args: hex: The hex on which the unit was clicked. button: The name of the mouse button that was clicked with. May be one of: *left*, *right*, *middle*, *mouse1*, *mouse2*, etc. mods: A string representing the keyboard modifiers that were pressed during the mouse clicked. Returns: None, or a list of dictionaries of vfx keyword arguments. See `botroyale.api.gui.VFX`. """ vfx = {"left": "green", "right": "red"}.get(button, "blue") return [{"name": f"mark-{vfx}", "hex": hex}] def logger(self, text: str): """Logger for the bot. Is enabled/disabled by `BaseBot.logging_enabled`. """ if self.logging_enabled: glogger(text) def __repr__(self): """Repr.""" return f"<Bot #{} {}>" @property def gui_label(self): """Formatted name with uid.""" id_label = f"#{}" return f"{id_label:>3} {}"
- botroyale.bots.basic.BasicBot
- botroyale.bots.crazee_bot_003.CrazeeBotAlpha
- botroyale.bots.crazee_bot_alpha.CrazeeBotAlpha
- botroyale.bots.idle_bot.IdleBot
- botroyale.bots.ninja_bot.Bot
- botroyale.bots.random_bot.RandomBot
Class variables
var COLOR_INDEX : int
The color (as an index) of the bot class. See
. var NAME : str
The bot class name. Must be unique.
var SPRITE : str
The bot class sprite. Must be a name of a file in
(without the .png extension). var TESTING_ONLY : bool
Marks the bot class as a test bot. Indicates that it should not be used by default.
var logging_enabled : bool
Instance variables
var gui_label
Formatted name with uid.
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@property def gui_label(self): """Formatted name with uid.""" id_label = f"#{}" return f"{id_label:>3} {}"
var id
The id of the bot in the battle.
Is commonly used as an index in lists. Also known as
def gui_click(self, hex: Hexagon, button: str, mods: str) ‑> Optional[list[dict[str, typing.Any]]]
May be called when we are clicked on in the GUI.
- The hex on which the unit was clicked.
- The name of the mouse button that was clicked with. May be one of: left, right, middle, mouse1, mouse2, etc.
- A string representing the keyboard modifiers that were pressed during the mouse clicked.
None, or a list of dictionaries of vfx keyword arguments. See
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def gui_click(self, hex: Hexagon, button: str, mods: str) -> Optional[VFXArgsList]: """May be called when we are clicked on in the GUI. See: `botroyale.logic.battle_manager.BattleManager.handle_hex_click`. Args: hex: The hex on which the unit was clicked. button: The name of the mouse button that was clicked with. May be one of: *left*, *right*, *middle*, *mouse1*, *mouse2*, etc. mods: A string representing the keyboard modifiers that were pressed during the mouse clicked. Returns: None, or a list of dictionaries of vfx keyword arguments. See `botroyale.api.gui.VFX`. """ vfx = {"left": "green", "right": "red"}.get(button, "blue") return [{"name": f"mark-{vfx}", "hex": hex}]
def logger(self, text: str)
Logger for the bot.
Is enabled/disabled by
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def logger(self, text: str): """Logger for the bot. Is enabled/disabled by `BaseBot.logging_enabled`. """ if self.logging_enabled: glogger(text)
def poll_action(self, state: State) ‑> Action
Called by a Battle on our turn.
This method is where a bot "does their turn".
- Current state of the battle.
Action object.
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def poll_action(self, state: State) -> Action: """Called by a Battle on our turn. This method is where a bot "does their turn". Args: state: Current state of the battle. Returns: Action object. """ return Idle()
def setup(self, state: State)
Used by the bot to perform startup procedures.
Called in round 0, before any turns have started. When subclassing, override this method to prepare the bot.
- The initial state of the battle.
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def setup(self, state: State): """Used by the bot to perform startup procedures. Called in round 0, before any turns have started. When subclassing, override this method to prepare the bot. Args: state: The initial state of the battle. """ pass
class BotSelection (selection: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, ignore: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, keep_fair: bool = False, no_dummies: bool = False, all_play: bool = False, max_repeat: Optional[int] = None)
An object for providing bots to
.Initialize the class.
The configuration given by the initialization arguments are used later by
- List of bot names to select from. None will select from all bots (that are not marked at "testing").
- List of bot names to ignore (remove from selection).
- Ensure that an equal number of each bot is selected. Fills remaining slots with dummy bots.
- If keep_fair is True, will raise
if dummy bots are required to keep fair. all_play
- If true, will raise
if not all bots in selection can be slotted. max_repeat
- Ensure that at most max_repeat number of each bot is selected.
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class BotSelection: """An object for providing bots to `botroyale.logic.battle.Battle`.""" def __init__( self, selection: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, ignore: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, keep_fair: bool = False, no_dummies: bool = False, all_play: bool = False, max_repeat: Optional[int] = None, ): """Initialize the class. The configuration given by the initialization arguments are used later by `BotSelection.get_bots`. Args: selection: List of bot names to select from. None will select from all bots (that are not marked at "testing"). ignore: List of bot names to ignore (remove from selection). keep_fair: Ensure that an equal number of each bot is selected. Fills remaining slots with dummy bots. no_dummies: If *keep_fair* is True, will raise `NotFairError` if dummy bots are required to keep fair. all_play: If true, will raise `NotFairError` if not all bots in selection can be slotted. max_repeat: Ensure that at most *max_repeat* number of each bot is selected. """ self.selection = selection self.ignore = ignore self.keep_fair = keep_fair self.no_dummies = no_dummies self.all_play = all_play self.max_repeat = max_repeat def get_bots(self, total_slots: int) -> list[BotLike]: """Return *total_slots* number of bots based on our configuration. Args: total_slots: Number of bot classes to return. Returns: List of bot classes. Raises: `NotFairError` if cannot satisfy providing *total_slots* bot classes given our configuration. """ available_bots = set(BOTS.keys()) # Filter bots if self.selection is not None: available_bots &= set(self.selection) else: testing_only = {b for b in available_bots if BOTS[b].TESTING_ONLY} available_bots -= testing_only if self.ignore is not None: available_bots -= set(self.ignore) # Fill slots selected_bots = self._fill_slots( total_slots, available_bots, all_play=self.all_play, keep_fair=self.keep_fair, no_dummies=self.no_dummies, max_repeat=self.max_repeat, ) # Convert to classes bot_classes = [] for bot_name in selected_bots: bot_classes.append(BOTS[bot_name]) random.shuffle(bot_classes) assert len(bot_classes) == total_slots return bot_classes @staticmethod def _fill_slots( total_slots: int, available_bots: set[str], all_play: bool, keep_fair: bool, no_dummies: bool, max_repeat: Optional[int] = None, ) -> list[str]: """Fill slots based on a set of bot names.""" # Count slots total_bots = len(available_bots) if total_bots == 0: raise NotFairError(f"Found 0 bots to fill {total_slots} slots.") slots_per_bot = int(total_slots / total_bots) if max_repeat is not None: slots_per_bot = min(max_repeat, slots_per_bot) # If we have more bots than slots - choose a random sample, size of total_slots if slots_per_bot < 1: if all_play: raise NotFairError( f"Requested for all {total_bots} bots to play, but only " f"{total_slots} slots available." ) selected_bots = list(available_bots) random.shuffle(selected_bots) return selected_bots[:total_slots] # We have enough slots for all bots selected_bots = list(available_bots) * slots_per_bot remaining_slots = total_slots - len(selected_bots) if remaining_slots: if no_dummies and (keep_fair or max_repeat): reason = "to keep fair" if keep_fair else f"max {max_repeat} per bot" raise NotFairError( f"Requested {reason} and no dummies, but we have " f"{total_slots} total slots for {len(selected_bots)} bots " f"({remaining_slots} slots remainder)." ) elif keep_fair or max_repeat: # Fill with dummies fill = ["dummy"] * remaining_slots else: # Fill with as many different bots as we can fit fill = list(available_bots) random.shuffle(fill) fill = fill[:remaining_slots] selected_bots.extend(fill) return selected_bots def __repr__(self): """Repr.""" options = [] if self.ignore: options.append(f"{len(self.ignore)} ignored") if self.keep_fair: options.append("fair") if self.no_dummies: options.append("no dummies") if self.all_play: options.append("all play") if self.max_repeat: options.append(f"max repeat {self.max_repeat}") options = ": " + ", ".join(options) if options else "" return f"<BotSelection {len(self.selection)} selected{options}>"
def get_bots(self, total_slots: int) ‑> list[~BotLike]
Return total_slots number of bots based on our configuration.
- Number of bot classes to return.
List of bot classes.
if cannot satisfy providing total_slots bot classes given our configuration.Expand source code Browse git
def get_bots(self, total_slots: int) -> list[BotLike]: """Return *total_slots* number of bots based on our configuration. Args: total_slots: Number of bot classes to return. Returns: List of bot classes. Raises: `NotFairError` if cannot satisfy providing *total_slots* bot classes given our configuration. """ available_bots = set(BOTS.keys()) # Filter bots if self.selection is not None: available_bots &= set(self.selection) else: testing_only = {b for b in available_bots if BOTS[b].TESTING_ONLY} available_bots -= testing_only if self.ignore is not None: available_bots -= set(self.ignore) # Fill slots selected_bots = self._fill_slots( total_slots, available_bots, all_play=self.all_play, keep_fair=self.keep_fair, no_dummies=self.no_dummies, max_repeat=self.max_repeat, ) # Convert to classes bot_classes = [] for bot_name in selected_bots: bot_classes.append(BOTS[bot_name]) random.shuffle(bot_classes) assert len(bot_classes) == total_slots return bot_classes
class NotFairError (*args, **kwargs)
Raised when a request for bots cannot be fulfilled fairly.
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class NotFairError(Exception): """Raised when a request for bots cannot be fulfilled fairly.""" pass
- builtins.Exception
- builtins.BaseException