Module botroyale.logic.prng
LCG (linear congruential generator).
We implement a very transparent and simple pseudo-rng, so that other implementations may easily mimic it. It is designed for state logic and should not be used directly.
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"""LCG (linear congruential generator).
We implement a very transparent and simple pseudo-rng, so that other
implementations may easily mimic it. It is designed for state logic and
should not be used directly.
from typing import Optional
import random
# Parameters mimicing those from glibc
MOD = 2**31
MUL = 1103515245
INC = 12345
# Assumptions of the LCG algorithm
assert isinstance(MOD, int)
assert isinstance(MUL, int)
assert isinstance(INC, int)
assert 0 < MOD
assert 0 < MUL < MOD
assert 0 <= INC < MOD
# Pseudo Random Number Generator
class PRNG:
"""A simple implementation of LCG as a python Generator.
LCG is an algorithm for generating a pseudo-random value from a given value.
As such, an infinitely iterable PRNG can be made by simply stringing a
previous value as the "seed" for the next value.
LCG uses integers, however we are interested in providing normalized
values. When iterating, a new integer value is derived and stored, and it
is returned as a float between 0 and 1.
This is why we expect an integer for the seed when initializing the object,
but return floats when iterating. Passing None as a seed argument will
generate a random seed value.
<u>__Example usage:__</u>
# Create a PRNG generator with a random seed
rng = PRNG()
# Make a copy
rng_copy = rng.copy() # equivalent to: rng_copy = PRNG(rng.seed)
# Make an unrelated generator (new random seed)
rng_other = PRNG()
# Generate a list of values and save them
a, b = rng.generate_list(2)
# Iterate values and save the last one
b_ = rng_copy.iterate(2)
# The following two assersions will pass
assert b == b_
assert rng_other.iterate(2) != rng.value
assert next(rng) == next(rng_copy)
def __init__(self, seed: Optional[int] = None):
"""Initialize the class."""
if seed is None:
seed = self.get_random_seed()
assert isinstance(seed, int)
assert 0 <= seed < MOD
self.__current_seed: int = seed
self.__current_value: float = seed / MOD
def iterate(self, count: int) -> float:
"""Iterates a number of times and returns the last value."""
while count > 0:
count -= 1
return self.__current_value
def generate_list(self, size: int) -> list[float]:
"""Generates a list of values."""
return [next(self) for i in range(size)]
def seed(self) -> int:
"""The current seed."""
return self.__current_seed
def value(self) -> float:
"""The last value that was generated."""
return self.__current_value
def get_random_seed() -> int:
"""A random seed that is valid as `PRNG.seed`."""
return random.randint(0, MOD - 1)
def copy(self) -> "PRNG":
"""A copy of *self* with the same `PRNG.seed`."""
return self._do_copy(self)
def _do_copy(cls, original: "PRNG") -> "PRNG":
return cls(original.seed)
# Python generator protocol
def __iter__(self) -> "PRNG":
return self
def __next__(self) -> float:
self.__current_seed = (self.__current_seed * MUL + INC) % MOD
self.__current_value = self.__current_seed / MOD
return self.__current_value
class PRNG (seed: Optional[int] = None)
A simple implementation of LCG as a python Generator.
LCG is an algorithm for generating a pseudo-random value from a given value. As such, an infinitely iterable PRNG can be made by simply stringing a previous value as the "seed" for the next value.
LCG uses integers, however we are interested in providing normalized values. When iterating, a new integer value is derived and stored, and it is returned as a float between 0 and 1.
This is why we expect an integer for the seed when initializing the object, but return floats when iterating. Passing None as a seed argument will generate a random seed value.
Example usage:
# Create a PRNG generator with a random seed rng = PRNG() # Make a copy rng_copy = rng.copy() # equivalent to: rng_copy = PRNG(rng.seed) # Make an unrelated generator (new random seed) rng_other = PRNG() # Generate a list of values and save them a, b = rng.generate_list(2) # Iterate values and save the last one b_ = rng_copy.iterate(2) # The following two assersions will pass assert b == b_ assert rng_other.iterate(2) != rng.value assert next(rng) == next(rng_copy)
Initialize the class.
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class PRNG: """A simple implementation of LCG as a python Generator. LCG is an algorithm for generating a pseudo-random value from a given value. As such, an infinitely iterable PRNG can be made by simply stringing a previous value as the "seed" for the next value. LCG uses integers, however we are interested in providing normalized values. When iterating, a new integer value is derived and stored, and it is returned as a float between 0 and 1. This is why we expect an integer for the seed when initializing the object, but return floats when iterating. Passing None as a seed argument will generate a random seed value. <u>__Example usage:__</u> ```python # Create a PRNG generator with a random seed rng = PRNG() # Make a copy rng_copy = rng.copy() # equivalent to: rng_copy = PRNG(rng.seed) # Make an unrelated generator (new random seed) rng_other = PRNG() # Generate a list of values and save them a, b = rng.generate_list(2) # Iterate values and save the last one b_ = rng_copy.iterate(2) # The following two assersions will pass assert b == b_ assert rng_other.iterate(2) != rng.value assert next(rng) == next(rng_copy) ``` """ def __init__(self, seed: Optional[int] = None): """Initialize the class.""" if seed is None: seed = self.get_random_seed() assert isinstance(seed, int) assert 0 <= seed < MOD self.__current_seed: int = seed self.__current_value: float = seed / MOD def iterate(self, count: int) -> float: """Iterates a number of times and returns the last value.""" while count > 0: next(self) count -= 1 return self.__current_value def generate_list(self, size: int) -> list[float]: """Generates a list of values.""" return [next(self) for i in range(size)] @property def seed(self) -> int: """The current seed.""" return self.__current_seed @property def value(self) -> float: """The last value that was generated.""" return self.__current_value @staticmethod def get_random_seed() -> int: """A random seed that is valid as `PRNG.seed`.""" return random.randint(0, MOD - 1) def copy(self) -> "PRNG": """A copy of *self* with the same `PRNG.seed`.""" return self._do_copy(self) @classmethod def _do_copy(cls, original: "PRNG") -> "PRNG": return cls(original.seed) # Python generator protocol def __iter__(self) -> "PRNG": """Iter.""" return self def __next__(self) -> float: """Next.""" self.__current_seed = (self.__current_seed * MUL + INC) % MOD self.__current_value = self.__current_seed / MOD return self.__current_value
Static methods
def get_random_seed() ‑> int
A random seed that is valid as
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@staticmethod def get_random_seed() -> int: """A random seed that is valid as `PRNG.seed`.""" return random.randint(0, MOD - 1)
Instance variables
var seed : int
The current seed.
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@property def seed(self) -> int: """The current seed.""" return self.__current_seed
var value : float
The last value that was generated.
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@property def value(self) -> float: """The last value that was generated.""" return self.__current_value
def copy(self) ‑> PRNG
A copy of self with the same
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def copy(self) -> "PRNG": """A copy of *self* with the same `PRNG.seed`.""" return self._do_copy(self)
def generate_list(self, size: int) ‑> list[float]
Generates a list of values.
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def generate_list(self, size: int) -> list[float]: """Generates a list of values.""" return [next(self) for i in range(size)]
def iterate(self, count: int) ‑> float
Iterates a number of times and returns the last value.
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def iterate(self, count: int) -> float: """Iterates a number of times and returns the last value.""" while count > 0: next(self) count -= 1 return self.__current_value